Maria Ventura Meesit DC

Opening hours

4801 Swift Road Suite I, Sarasota, Florida, 34231


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81 reviews
  • John Michael Smith·

    Dr. Maria continues to help aline the right side of my ankle, knee, my back. Also adjust my neck, and right joint. Dr. Maria has helped with the mitigation of pain on the right side area.

  • John Michael Smith·

    Dr. Maria helped me with my right side joint to get back in alignment. Also directed me to a massage.

  • Karen·

    Dr. Meesit is an excellent diagnostician and a very thorough practitioner. I am impressed with the many techniques she uses. I find her extremely effective, detail-oriented, and always focused on patient comfort. I am lucky to have found her!

  • Frank Tillis·

    Only 2nd appointment today and pain is dramatically reduced. I am so glad a friend led me to Dr. Meesit!!!

  • Frank Tillis·

    I went to see Dr. Meesit for the first time yesterday and she was very thorough and informative! Looking forward to seeing her again and working with her through my back pain!

  • Rebecca Sachs·

    Dr. Meesit is excellent. I need frequent realignments and she always helps. She is professional skilled and easy to work with.

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